Help us reach our goal of distributing 1 million Bibles

Help us reach our goal of distributing 1 million Bibles


They knew it was risky transporting boxes of Bibles and Christian books in their region of North Africa, but the pastor and a faithful church member chose to do it anyway. When police discovered their contraband cargo, they detained and interrogated the two Christians for several hours. The believers could face charges of proselytizing and transporting Christian materials without permission.

Another bold Christian, in Egypt, faced a potential three-year prison sentence after being arrested for distributing Bibles in a shopping area near Cairo. He was charged with “despising religion” and jailed for 15 days. Christians all over the world prayed for him during his detention.

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The Voice of the Martyrs is committed to seeing every believer in a hostile or restricted nation receive a copy of God’s Word in his or her own language and in the most practical format. We invite you to sponsor Bibles to help us reach this goal.

More than 550,000 Bibles have been sponsored so far this year, including children’s Bibles, Bibles for adults and Bibles for secret distribution in the world’s most restricted nations.

We’re off to a great start. More than half a million Christians will have a copy of the Bible because of generous support from readers like you. But more Christians are waiting. Help us reach the 1 million Bible goal — and even surpass it — by sponsoring Bibles for distribution in hostile and restricted nations.

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